Citi Investment Bank – Case Study
The Client
The Senior Executive was on the Company’s high-flyer development program and wanted promotion to the next level. However, he was aware that he was perceived as a “Maintainer” rather than an “Initiator”.
The Requirement
The Client was keen to improve his Personal Impact & Presence and convincingly convey his Vision. He had a crucial meeting in New York in 7 days time with his new American CEO and had to make a Powerful Impact. Time was of the essence.
Following and in-depth one to one scoping session it was evident that his proposals needed to be innovative and solution based. The goals were set:
- Be able to speak with more volume, projection & gravitas
- Focus on 5 Key Proposals, looking at challenges & solutions
- Create a Punchy Style & use more Positive Language
The Solution
Areas of improvement were identified to improve Personal Presence & Impact.
The Coaching provided support to enrich the voice to convey more power & authority, gravitas and offered 5 keys to audience recall. To speak with greater clarity and to be succinct. Mind-mapping techniques and using positive language to influence and persuade his American counterpart.
Outcomes Achieved
On the day of the meeting, the CEO was delayed in traffic in his limouisine and wasn’t able to personally make the meeting. So, the Client had to pitch to the CEO over the speaker phone! Being confident, succinct and giving the bottom line was vital. The CEO was so impressed with the Client’s ideas & proposals he personally phoned him in the UK to set up another meeting to discuss his ideas further.